Raynor's song to Mother Earth

Wreathed in an endless garment of white clouds, you hide your vast equanimity,


With your changing moods and seasons, you reveal your tender fragility.




You know to perfection your part, in the dance of the planets and stars,


When we learn how we travel with you, then perhaps we’ll come to know ours.


How carefully, how delicately, you slowly form your great creation,


With man as the crest‑jewel, mirror of all evolution.


But humans abuse your gift of free will and deny what they might become,


At a moment in time when mankind could in spirit be one.




While arrogant people disturb the living surface of your being,

Will you one day rise, throw off compassion and show us that in truth, you are all seeing?


One little shudder, some subtle rippling of your shimmering skin,


And there’d just be blue rolling ocean where our ancient country once had been.


So let us worship and respect you, and accept all your variety,


Not try to mould you and control you with our human notoriety.