Linda Williams

Today Linda Williams lives in London.


Apart from her visits in many other countries, she spent some years in India, South Africa, and Italy.


In India she lived in villages, towns, and cities and was in Cape Town during the years of the fight against apartheid. There she met and worked together with courageous people in fight for justice.


These worlds differed very much from the complacent and self-satisfied world of the English upper class of the second half of the 20th century in which she spent a privileged childhood and enjoyed a costly private education - with ponies and dogs in rural England.


At this time she deepened in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia and J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings which just were published. Like many of her generation which grew up in the after-pains of the Second World War, the shade of the Cold War, and the real possibility of a nuclear war since her teenager's years she looked up for answers to the big questions „Why we are here?", "What is the sense of the life", and "How we can transform this world into a better place?".