The Awakening of Navi Septa

Tharmas, Lord Albion's Flying Horse (© Linda Williams, 2011)
Tharmas, Lord Albion's Flying Horse (© Linda Williams, 2011)

Didn't all of us now and then already once wished to become really a part of the novel or the film in which we are just deepened?


The Navi Septa Trilogy exactly allows this. Though it is set on a faraway planet, in the end the reader may experience the literal awakening of the "New Seven" within oneself.


The plot of the books turns on seven children who become adult in the course of the stories. They find a prophecy which promises the rescue of their country of Teletsia governed by dark magicians who use physical terror as well as black magic to remain in power.


Together the children travel in a far remote country in the North of their world where they receive subtle forces. These enable them to teach their country of a better and put an end to the evil holding it in its stranglehold.


The rapid adventure stories allow the reader to cost the taste of Self-Realization which the author and many others enjoy as a result of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's wonderful presents. They might transform whole humanity.


Maybe one will find no magic keys which make the innermost wisdom accessible like for our heroes. Probably one will also not restrain and ride tigers or flying horses or fight sea battles with the help of whales. However, symbolically these books point to what can be reached by absolute trust in the vibrations. These are also called the "Wind of the Holy Ghost" and are a new and real kind of perception connected with spiritual Self-Realization.


The stories also show that the divine stands to self-realized souls - as long as they remain from fear, conditionings, egoism, and aggressions.


The books are a natural, deliberate, and very purposeful allegory which refers to the highest reality to be discovered urgently.


Properly understood everybody can profit from 10 years upward.