Part One - The Keys of Wisdom

Someday a group of young people will escape from the sorcerers reigning in Teltsia and travel into a land in the far North where they will get subtle inner powers. These will make them capable to free their land and its people from an evil stranglehold of a long time.

Old Teletsian Prophecy


The dreamy Asha, the pragmatic Lee and the bright Raynor find this prophecy and try to unravel it. However, as soon as the ruthless sorcerers became aware of this, the three had to fly together with Ahren, Tandi, Conwenna, and Derwin across the Ocean of Illusion.

On their way to Sasrar, the land in the North, they have to outwit many frightening people and creatures.


But they get help form the Keys of Wisdom and from many equally wise strangers.


They become aware that all of them have particular strengths but also shortcomings putting the group into danger. There is no hope to fulfil the prophecy until they have overcome these and work together.


Map and Tree of Life (© Linda Williams, 2011)
Map and Tree of Life (© Linda Williams, 2011)

The Temple of Support (© Linda Williams, 2011)
The Temple of Support (© Linda Williams, 2011)

When the author explained Shri Mataji that the seven children start their journey from a stone circle which represents the Mooladhara Chakra, she said, "Call it the 'Temple of Support'".


She also suggested names for some of the protagonists and many of the anecdotes forming the storyline were inspired by Her stories and Her wisdom.


The author's wish was put into practice with the support of many people who already experienced of awakening of the "Navi Septa", the "New Seven".

The Keys of Wisdom
Reading sample of the first four chapters for download
The Keys of Wisdom ch 1 - 4.pdf
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